Incredible: Cafe Owner Asks Employees To Label Themselves To Know When They Are Menstruating

2022-08-27 23:15:27 By : Mr. Jack Zeng

By: MUI Kitchen Editorial Office

Australia has caused quite a stir after a coffee shop owner shared a controversial view on a popular Australian radio show. above, called AnthonyHe explained on the radio show ‘The Kyle and Jackie O Show’ How difficult it is for men to understand that someone is having a hard time, especially when referring to menstruating women.

In the recording of the event we heard him recount how it all started with an episode between two employees, apparently a violent argument in front of customers. While discussing the matter with an outside HR company, one of the people involved explained to himself that his angry reaction was due to the hormonal status and emotional stress that affected him in those days.

With this premise, and thinking about how to avoid similar situations and problems in the future, Anthony then proceeds to explain his brilliant plan to the stunned presenters: that the employee wear a red identification tag on the days of his period. Wear, a way to stop others.

“We thought it might be a good idea to wear a red sticker if you’re going through your period and need a little understanding and some extra space,” she says. “It can have a smiley (smiling face) in it to make it look more friendly.” Jackie O, the co-anchor, does not hide his astonishment amidst the outrage and laughter, when the eater says it will be a warning to other employees and customers as well.

“But why do you want customers to know that too?” Anthony responds with a curious analogy. Just as novice drivers wear an ‘L’ to alert other vehicles to be patient and not stress by beeping or taking place, the red tag would also apply to “women’s problems”.

In the end Jackie O can’t hold himself anymore and says that he finds the idea outrageous and that no woman wants to go there to announce to everyone that she has her period, and they don’t want clients to know it.

There have been similar reactions among listeners, who later called live to share their opinions on the proposal as well as on the program’s social networks. Hatred, insensitive, and backward are some of the adjectives the public has dedicated to this cafeteria owner, even comparing the idea to the badges with which the Nazis identified Jews.

Let’s say you were correct not to provide your full name or any other specific details of your business in Australia.

* With the information of Directo al Paladar.

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